

It's true when they say, you don't really know what you've got till it's gone. Either when you gain some, you'll lose some. In my used to be skeptical point of view, I didn't see where the problem is as it's one of phases of life you have to go through. But undeniably, I have to admit too that in fact, our palms are just too small to embrace all the things at the same time, neither do people.

The point I'm going to tell here is, I'm kinda miss some good old days I've had with some good friends that now, I don't find a word which suits best; like when you used to be talking everyday, sharing stories, and other stuffs like hanging around after class, turns out has just became sort of... memories? Not that I'm gone or else but as I break things down it's getting hard, I don't know, even just to ask how life treats them lately. I'm probably the most unreliable person in which when I thought I don't have any importance then I won't be getting involved in those kind of things. But when it comes to those who I respect as, you know, good friends, I'll tend to be sticking around and having none of days go by without stand besides them all along. Thus I'll become the most loyal person on earth. And I'd stay. As long as they want me to but if they don't, I know all by myself where do I stay at.

Are we too busy to grow up?

ps: have been so long not using this yellow stuff, hoping by the end of the year I'll cut them off with the finished thesis :')