Twenty past nine. Holding the last cup of milk-tea-after-raining. And filling my lungs with these holy smokes. Blah. I love Dunhill like a bee craves tons of honey. Trying to be done with it since I haven't eat any ricy-things a whole today. This morning I let my friends grabbed my lunch box. And there was no plenty of food when he asked me on the evening.
He is, once I told you; the-person-who-is-not-just-into-me.
Go on and laugh, what a teenage life I am living in. Who cares if I want to be forever young? Doh, I literally miss the times when tying my shoes is the hardest thing to do. Now it turns to effortlessly smile, when all inside is forcing me to cry. Ya, I'm a grown up. Eat that shit.
I was planning to finish my assignments here. Ass-ignments. To manage my schedules this week so I can meet up with my highschool pals. To arrange some hand-outs subjects for this final exam. And now I am so done. Not with those things, I still can't cope with them, yet. This all belongs to this evening. What am I supposed to call, serendipity or stupidipity?
He was there. Walking home in the middle of heavy rain. Only both of us, few hours ago. And I felt nothing but comfort. I let no one else in that I can even feel his breath lingered on my face. CHEESY. Nah, I mean it, stupid me. That's simply the point I've been talking about.
He is a friend, a lot-of-describable-friend of mine. He is a Mom's little son, he acts 16 while he is 19. He teases me much but I can't even get a bit mad of him. He tends to ask anything though sometimes it makes him seem such a fool. He speaks so loud yet his eyes are sounding. He is neat, he always asked my hand sanitizer before he eats. He always takes my lunch with some compliments. He is so fine with a smoking-girl but when I got my asthma attack he wanted me to stop it slowly. Once he drove my car he was wondering how far the distance until my house that I can deal with it everyday. He wants to watch Rapunzel but none of his boy friends wanna go with him. He is funny yet serious. He asked me whether he would change his dumb attitude into a smarter one but nope, I'd like better for him only stays the same. He ever got mad at me because when I downloaded him a song I forgot to bring it to him. He is sleepyheaded. He likes to sleep accidentally next to me. When he leans his head upon my shoulder, oh, I can't stand to reach myself again.
What's worst?
He is the one that I can not have.

He is, once I told you; the-person-who-is-not-just-into-me.
Go on and laugh, what a teenage life I am living in. Who cares if I want to be forever young? Doh, I literally miss the times when tying my shoes is the hardest thing to do. Now it turns to effortlessly smile, when all inside is forcing me to cry. Ya, I'm a grown up. Eat that shit.
I was planning to finish my assignments here. Ass-ignments. To manage my schedules this week so I can meet up with my highschool pals. To arrange some hand-outs subjects for this final exam. And now I am so done. Not with those things, I still can't cope with them, yet. This all belongs to this evening. What am I supposed to call, serendipity or stupidipity?
He was there. Walking home in the middle of heavy rain. Only both of us, few hours ago. And I felt nothing but comfort. I let no one else in that I can even feel his breath lingered on my face. CHEESY. Nah, I mean it, stupid me. That's simply the point I've been talking about.
He is a friend, a lot-of-describable-friend of mine. He is a Mom's little son, he acts 16 while he is 19. He teases me much but I can't even get a bit mad of him. He tends to ask anything though sometimes it makes him seem such a fool. He speaks so loud yet his eyes are sounding. He is neat, he always asked my hand sanitizer before he eats. He always takes my lunch with some compliments. He is so fine with a smoking-girl but when I got my asthma attack he wanted me to stop it slowly. Once he drove my car he was wondering how far the distance until my house that I can deal with it everyday. He wants to watch Rapunzel but none of his boy friends wanna go with him. He is funny yet serious. He asked me whether he would change his dumb attitude into a smarter one but nope, I'd like better for him only stays the same. He ever got mad at me because when I downloaded him a song I forgot to bring it to him. He is sleepyheaded. He likes to sleep accidentally next to me. When he leans his head upon my shoulder, oh, I can't stand to reach myself again.
What's worst?
He is the one that I can not have.

I am whoever-you-want-me-to-be, as long as I'm with you.