
Sometimes when I say, "I'm okay," I want someone to look me in the eyes, hug me tight and say, "I know you are not."

I hurt somebody yesterday.

He whispered something in my ear, and then cried in front of my face. I was just staring at him, back off... and asked him to stay away. I wish I had no heart right there because I can't stand to see somebody, this case, a boy, crying in front of me.

I was, feeling like all the blame is on me. I hurt myself by hurting him. He never knows whether I'm not crying that time, everything was not as well as it seemed. He asked me not to leave, but what I have been feeling inside this long is... pain. I have fallen quite hard for him, and I guessed that's what he's been doing too. So what's better than letting go of something that keep ruining on you? We'll just fine, it's the only thing everybody has to believe in the end.

Oh may I wish this little simple thing? When I said whether I feel like I have nobody left, will there be a man bravely comes and said, "I'm here for you"?

I always thought that there will be somewhere in the earth, someday in the times, and somebody in the crowd. But now I think what if, at least you'll never get it?

the post title taken from here