Apa kabar?
Alhamdulillah baik-baik aja kan?
Gue juga kok, as always since you've been gone :)
Long time no talk ya. I either don't know kenapa tiap kali kita ketemu we both acted like strangers. Almost years, eh? And to be honest, it sucks loh to pass the last days of school with this kinda feeling for you. Gue sedih loh, peduli gak? Peduli dong please. HAHA
I have so many things left to ask to you, if only you mind sih. Kenapa potong rambut? Kenapa mukanya tambah jutek? Kenapa jadi makin sombong? Padahal dari dulu, menurut gue lo gak pernah cocok jadi peran antagonis. Atau, you're only taking that part in my life? Kayaknya cuma gue yang ngerasa lo berubah. In fact, lo tetep jadi anak-mama-yang-baik, and yeah... I'm happened to see what it seems. Oh iya, waktu itu gue ketemu nyokap lo loh. Dia berdiri pas di depan gue. Mau nyapa tapi... gak enak. Harusnya gimana dong?
Gimana NEM nya? Bagus dong ya? Alhamdulillah ya Allah, makasih banyak ya waktu itu udah mau ngedoain gue. Though, I have been stressed out banget hari ini. Sampe gak berani ke sekolah buat legalisir SKL. Kenapa? I know that you know lah. But I wouldn't let my tears drop again. Masih bt gak kalo liat orang nangis? I heard you often crying lately. Kayaknya dulu harus gue rekam deh gimana ekspresi lo waktu ngeliat gue nangis. Nyerempet muka orang gak pup seminggu.
Eh, Idola Cilik udah keluar pemenangnya loh! Waktu itu sempet mau ikutan, kan? Halah, sok-sok nyaingin Kiki Icil. Itu tahun berapa ya? Rasanya udah lamaaaaa banget. Haha sok tua gue ya, baru juga lulus SMA. And you know what, remembering the past makes me wonder why we have to be like this. Gue inget banget, waktu itu lo pernah bilang that I had lost most of my friends. Ya, lo bener. I had it once, but then I was confused. How about your friends? Are they still right beside you? I don't know too much sih, but what I knew was... nothing was stay the same. Everybody was too busy with their own life, and we are none of the exception.
Tapi satu hal yang gue syukurin... I'm about to thank you that I have known you as one of the unforgettable people in my life. The lesson you let me learned, the passion you let me passed; those were... precious. The school is about to end and we're about to go on and... leave it all behind? Maafin gue ya kalo selama ini udah bersikap kasar sama lo, apalagi sampe bilang benci. I lost control once itu, maafin yah? Gue bener-bener ngerasa jadi orang paling jahat sedunia pas lo bilang kalo lo pasti maafin gue, walaupun lo tau gue gak pernah maafin lo. Jangan sok tau ah. Semua orang butuh waktu kan untuk minta maaf dan memaafkan? Gue udah ikhlas kok, alhamdulillah yaRabb :)
That is me with your friend, we were waiting for you that time. A little piece of the past, sometimes can make us feel bitter and sweet at the same time. Hahaha. I miss you both loh. The best things in life are still irreplaceable kan?
April 2010,
Apa kabar?
Alhamdulillah baik-baik aja kan?
Gue juga kok, as always since you've been gone :)
Long time no talk ya. I either don't know kenapa tiap kali kita ketemu we both acted like strangers. Almost years, eh? And to be honest, it sucks loh to pass the last days of school with this kinda feeling for you. Gue sedih loh, peduli gak? Peduli dong please. HAHA
I have so many things left to ask to you, if only you mind sih. Kenapa potong rambut? Kenapa mukanya tambah jutek? Kenapa jadi makin sombong? Padahal dari dulu, menurut gue lo gak pernah cocok jadi peran antagonis. Atau, you're only taking that part in my life? Kayaknya cuma gue yang ngerasa lo berubah. In fact, lo tetep jadi anak-mama-yang-baik, and yeah... I'm happened to see what it seems. Oh iya, waktu itu gue ketemu nyokap lo loh. Dia berdiri pas di depan gue. Mau nyapa tapi... gak enak. Harusnya gimana dong?
Gimana NEM nya? Bagus dong ya? Alhamdulillah ya Allah, makasih banyak ya waktu itu udah mau ngedoain gue. Though, I have been stressed out banget hari ini. Sampe gak berani ke sekolah buat legalisir SKL. Kenapa? I know that you know lah. But I wouldn't let my tears drop again. Masih bt gak kalo liat orang nangis? I heard you often crying lately. Kayaknya dulu harus gue rekam deh gimana ekspresi lo waktu ngeliat gue nangis. Nyerempet muka orang gak pup seminggu.
Eh, Idola Cilik udah keluar pemenangnya loh! Waktu itu sempet mau ikutan, kan? Halah, sok-sok nyaingin Kiki Icil. Itu tahun berapa ya? Rasanya udah lamaaaaa banget. Haha sok tua gue ya, baru juga lulus SMA. And you know what, remembering the past makes me wonder why we have to be like this. Gue inget banget, waktu itu lo pernah bilang that I had lost most of my friends. Ya, lo bener. I had it once, but then I was confused. How about your friends? Are they still right beside you? I don't know too much sih, but what I knew was... nothing was stay the same. Everybody was too busy with their own life, and we are none of the exception.
Tapi satu hal yang gue syukurin... I'm about to thank you that I have known you as one of the unforgettable people in my life. The lesson you let me learned, the passion you let me passed; those were... precious. The school is about to end and we're about to go on and... leave it all behind? Maafin gue ya kalo selama ini udah bersikap kasar sama lo, apalagi sampe bilang benci. I lost control once itu, maafin yah? Gue bener-bener ngerasa jadi orang paling jahat sedunia pas lo bilang kalo lo pasti maafin gue, walaupun lo tau gue gak pernah maafin lo. Jangan sok tau ah. Semua orang butuh waktu kan untuk minta maaf dan memaafkan? Gue udah ikhlas kok, alhamdulillah yaRabb :)
That is me with your friend, we were waiting for you that time. A little piece of the past, sometimes can make us feel bitter and sweet at the same time. Hahaha. I miss you both loh. The best things in life are still irreplaceable kan?
April 2010,