
The best things in life are (still) free.

I have deleted my previous two post.

You know, it's funny when I realize that I really do look like a born-yesterday-girl who thinks that she's been falling in love. Haha, go on and laugh there; I know it was a shame.

I thought... he already knows that, since today my beloved friend accidentally get me embarrassed right in front of his face. I caught my tongue, when she suddenly told him some signs which imply all of my feelings. Oh, how I owe her so much -..-'

Well, everybody would know if I would show.

Who knows if somebody tells him? Who knows if somebody reads my blog? Who knows if somebody sees my silly handwritings about him? Who knows if somebody watches my awkwardness when I see him?

And yeah, I'm not gonna through this.

I don't want him to know from anybody else. Everything will be so good when the right time already comes. And everybody will be so free to tell anything of what they feel.

So, let me just feel what I feel, I bet nobody really needs to know.
But if you probably know, I'm sure you know what I mean.

Like what Provoke! says;
the best things in life are (still) free :-}

keep your free things,