And there she was (that girl is not me, it's Agnes).
I have no clearer picture to show her.
I drove her since April 2009. Dad lent it to me, firstly within exception with my responsibility. I have finally made him sure, after I've got my driving license, and promising to ride safely.
She was... my second home. A place when I could always lean on. A place that saved me from extremely sunny days, or thunder huge rain outside. A place kept every single moment counts in my last high school year. A place, means a lot for me.
I remember weeks ago, I have parked her in school area. I have finished those try outs, Saturday afternoon, when I would open my car's door. I swear, gue inget banget emang diparkir disitu. Dinda di sebelah gue, waktu kita sama-sama ngeliat dari kejauhan ada Lamer dan Gerald yang keliatan nahan ketawa. Gue gak sadar kalo ada yang salah waktu itu sampe pas gue nyoba buka pintu kok susah banget ini gak kebuka-buka. Mau diputer dibolak-balik pindah posisi juga tetep gak masuk-masuk. Dinda said, "Coba cek deh platnya, kayaknya...". I was like, "Oh iya ya, bego banget gue". Gak lama udah kedengeran Lamer sama Gerald ketawa ngakak, yang berarti dari tadi mereka udah tau kalo gue salah mobil. Dan besoknya Lamer bilang sama gue di kelas, "Cieee salah nih yee, yang kemaren kan bukan Lolita". Eh eh, how come?
Gue: tau dari mana nama mobil gue?
Lamer: haha gue nebak doang nis
Gue: nebak dari mana coba? penasaran heh
Lamer: pas pertama kali liat gue udah langsung tau namanya
Gue: hmm kalo gitu mobil Agnes siapa namanya?
Lamer: mobilnya ipa sih jadi gue gak tau
Gue: (apa hubungannya coba?) aduh kok sampah sih mer
Lamer: beneran. parah nih gue dikatain sampah
Gue: jawaban lo tau. mobil Oki deh siapa?
Lamer: jarang dibawa ke sekolah jadi gue gak kenal
Gue: -_-"
Jadilah dipanggil begitu. I know it sounds, a bit, oh maybe a lot, freaky tacky. But, why bother? Just don't ask me why I named her like that.
And here it is,
When today, I damaged her... so bad.
Pulang sekolah, ada mikrolet berhenti di tengah jalan. Udah tau jalanan sempit jadi makin sempit kan. Gue nyalip pelan-pelan, beneran itu pelan banget, tapi ternyata bagian depan ada yang nyerempet bumper itu mikrolet, sedikit. Se-di-kit loh serius itu digosok pake kit juga ilang. Gue spontan minta maaf kan sama sopirnya, toh mikroletnya juga gak kenapa-kenapa. I thought it was already done until I saw in my spion that he is chasing my car. Dia ngejar mobil gue dengan sangat brutal, dan sempet ngingetin gue sama tragedi Lady Diana-Dodi Al-Fayed yang mobilnya dikejar-kejar paparazzi sampe tabrakan di terowongan (oke ini dramatisasi). Gue takut banget ngeliat orang nyetir senafsu itu. I kept watching on the back, dan ternyata di depan udah sampe tikungan sempit di ujung jalan. I hit the trotoar... and it was sad to hear that sounds. Crash.
I cried, not because of I'm scared to tell Dad what has been happening to that car, but the first thing passed on my mind right there was; I hurt my Lolita. Well, go on and laugh there, but don't you know?
How does it feel,
when you're already having a bond with something you can't be separated with?
I have nothing to do with that rude driver. Know what, he just wanted me to ask him for sorry, clearly. He is already left when Dad came, oh how delicious chicken you are. Dad wasn't mad at me, thank God, he just said, "Biar aja jadi pelajaran. Wong mikrolet kok dilawan, gak ada bedanya kamu sama sopirnya". He said it softly, but smashing me into the bottom. Guess what my friend said, "Just watch out when driving, stuntgirl". I'm not taking a part in action movie; they don't even get too shock when I told about the accident.
I'm stressed out, hello!
I have never been separated with her, longer than 3 days, when I went to Baduy for research field of social students. I don't know what will I become for the next, 2 or 3 weeks, or a month, oh maybe more, since its bumper was damaged so bad, the front light was broken, the wheel is out rounded, and I don't know whether I have been feeling better after this shocked me really so hard. Though, I'm so thank God there was nothing happened to me, He saved me completely.
I... will be so in death-style without her :-(
I have no clearer picture to show her.
I drove her since April 2009. Dad lent it to me, firstly within exception with my responsibility. I have finally made him sure, after I've got my driving license, and promising to ride safely.
She was... my second home. A place when I could always lean on. A place that saved me from extremely sunny days, or thunder huge rain outside. A place kept every single moment counts in my last high school year. A place, means a lot for me.
I remember weeks ago, I have parked her in school area. I have finished those try outs, Saturday afternoon, when I would open my car's door. I swear, gue inget banget emang diparkir disitu. Dinda di sebelah gue, waktu kita sama-sama ngeliat dari kejauhan ada Lamer dan Gerald yang keliatan nahan ketawa. Gue gak sadar kalo ada yang salah waktu itu sampe pas gue nyoba buka pintu kok susah banget ini gak kebuka-buka. Mau diputer dibolak-balik pindah posisi juga tetep gak masuk-masuk. Dinda said, "Coba cek deh platnya, kayaknya...". I was like, "Oh iya ya, bego banget gue". Gak lama udah kedengeran Lamer sama Gerald ketawa ngakak, yang berarti dari tadi mereka udah tau kalo gue salah mobil. Dan besoknya Lamer bilang sama gue di kelas, "Cieee salah nih yee, yang kemaren kan bukan Lolita". Eh eh, how come?
Gue: tau dari mana nama mobil gue?
Lamer: haha gue nebak doang nis
Gue: nebak dari mana coba? penasaran heh
Lamer: pas pertama kali liat gue udah langsung tau namanya
Gue: hmm kalo gitu mobil Agnes siapa namanya?
Lamer: mobilnya ipa sih jadi gue gak tau
Gue: (apa hubungannya coba?) aduh kok sampah sih mer
Lamer: beneran. parah nih gue dikatain sampah
Gue: jawaban lo tau. mobil Oki deh siapa?
Lamer: jarang dibawa ke sekolah jadi gue gak kenal
Gue: -_-"
Jadilah dipanggil begitu. I know it sounds, a bit, oh maybe a lot, freaky tacky. But, why bother? Just don't ask me why I named her like that.
And here it is,
When today, I damaged her... so bad.
Pulang sekolah, ada mikrolet berhenti di tengah jalan. Udah tau jalanan sempit jadi makin sempit kan. Gue nyalip pelan-pelan, beneran itu pelan banget, tapi ternyata bagian depan ada yang nyerempet bumper itu mikrolet, sedikit. Se-di-kit loh serius itu digosok pake kit juga ilang. Gue spontan minta maaf kan sama sopirnya, toh mikroletnya juga gak kenapa-kenapa. I thought it was already done until I saw in my spion that he is chasing my car. Dia ngejar mobil gue dengan sangat brutal, dan sempet ngingetin gue sama tragedi Lady Diana-Dodi Al-Fayed yang mobilnya dikejar-kejar paparazzi sampe tabrakan di terowongan (oke ini dramatisasi). Gue takut banget ngeliat orang nyetir senafsu itu. I kept watching on the back, dan ternyata di depan udah sampe tikungan sempit di ujung jalan. I hit the trotoar... and it was sad to hear that sounds. Crash.
I cried, not because of I'm scared to tell Dad what has been happening to that car, but the first thing passed on my mind right there was; I hurt my Lolita. Well, go on and laugh there, but don't you know?
How does it feel,
when you're already having a bond with something you can't be separated with?
I have nothing to do with that rude driver. Know what, he just wanted me to ask him for sorry, clearly. He is already left when Dad came, oh how delicious chicken you are. Dad wasn't mad at me, thank God, he just said, "Biar aja jadi pelajaran. Wong mikrolet kok dilawan, gak ada bedanya kamu sama sopirnya". He said it softly, but smashing me into the bottom. Guess what my friend said, "Just watch out when driving, stuntgirl". I'm not taking a part in action movie; they don't even get too shock when I told about the accident.
I'm stressed out, hello!
I have never been separated with her, longer than 3 days, when I went to Baduy for research field of social students. I don't know what will I become for the next, 2 or 3 weeks, or a month, oh maybe more, since its bumper was damaged so bad, the front light was broken, the wheel is out rounded, and I don't know whether I have been feeling better after this shocked me really so hard. Though, I'm so thank God there was nothing happened to me, He saved me completely.
I... will be so in death-style without her :-(