
Kilometer 72 Menuju Senja

This is currently I'm listening for.
Better for you to check his myspace anyway, spell the words and it's kinda; yeah, it's so me. An electronic pop song highly recommended by Icong, as she told me that this is her most favorite song.

How's your day?
This morning I didn't come late, alhamdulillah. Sometimes, school rules sicks me. Ask to XIIS3, how does it treat us. I bet you'll get this answer; "Ya, lo tau sendiri lah..." lol. Afterall, thank God it's Friday, except that suddenly test before the break. So as we're done, we get some photoshoot because the internet wireless didn't work at all. Great. Then Nina came, and she started to play with Icong's hair. She screamed and laughed herself at the webcam. When Dindut there, she got more some messed up. And there it's gone, until Economy class started to drive us sleepy. LOL.

Still, I'm in my uniform. Oh geez, now I have been taking some adding courses in my schedule. From Monday to Sunday, from 6am to 9pm. What a life, huh? It's already begun anyhow, and no more choice to take a step back. Just. Step. Ahead. Okay, this ain't gonna kill me. I asked Dinda while her McFlurry melt at her lip, on our way back home, and guess what she said;

"Terkadang, lo emang harus ngambil langkah yang nggak biasa untuk jadi lebih baik."

She told me never to give up, although, honestly she said that she's a half-not-sure. But who will ever know if you have never tried?

"Ku ada di kilometer 72 menuju senja, dan ku belum juga sampai..."