

Yesterday is history. They are no longer ours. But--tomorrow is not ours yet. So? Today is the only left.

I have one best-(boy)-friend. I met him on the first year in student union, and now that we're going on the second year; I admitted that too much shit happened to us but I made him sure that we're just getting stronger by the day.


The good news, he is still--my best friend. But the bad one--since his ex was my best friend, too (I guessed something's wrong here, she took no more because), I felt like everything seemed so unfair for him, for us maybe, meanwhile I regretted to say that I can't help him any longer. I've seen him out of my sight few days later, but now he's calling me back and asking me if everything's (he's not that sure) just alright.

A: Gue baru balik dari Bandung kemaren
N: Oleh-olehnya mana? Lupa lo sama gue parbet
A: Kayak ga pernah kesana aja lo, eh kemaren mau cerita apa?
N: Hem--nggak, gue lagi gak mood aja kemaren
A: Gapapa kali, kenapa lo?
N: Nope, gue cuma bingung mau cerita sama siapa
A: Lagian lo sih jarang-jarang cerita lagi ke gue
N: Gimana mau cerita, lo gak masuk-masuk
A: ...
N: How's your day anyway?
A: Biasa aja
N: How?
A: ...

He took ignorance better than admitting that there's something out of its track--he didn't want to share, perhaps. But afterall, I wish everything's supposed to be alright, and going to be alright. I made him sure; you can always count on me, no matter what. Enough for him, for us, within these so much chances we passed we have to walk out of the past. I don't know if this is wrong but I hope I never took the left turn. Just show me where's my fault when I efforted to take everything in its right place, or--is that too much to ask for?

Okay--I have to stop. Yesterday is no longer ours, and we could never take it back. That's what we called history. We need to open our new book, closing the old one without throwing them away. Because someday, when our each child growing up in their own, I just want they to know that every human didn't need to erase their past to write their future. Clear?

We're all--clueless, sometimes not that strong, sometimes not that tough. But thankfully, God always let us know that the people we love are still surrounding us. Believe it, they just like a star. Not always shining. But you know they'll always be in the sky. I hope so.